1. 制定行业标准:鼓励在制定国家标准方面开展合作,并努力实现全球统一的方法,对零排放和低排放技术生产的氢及其衍生物(如氨)进行认证。
2. 开展氢能贸易:根据世界贸易组织规则,促进零排放和低排放技术生产的氢及其衍生物,如氨,在有弹性和多元化供应链的支持下进行自由和公平的贸易。
3. 促进项目合作:加快技术创新、商业模式和研发合作,提升国际合作水平。
4. 发展基础设施:促进投资,调动资金,发展基础设施,以提高零排放和低排放技术生产的氢及其衍生物(如氨)的生产、利用和全球贸易。
5. 促进前沿技术。在零排放和低排放技术制氢及其衍生产品(如氨)方面,支持并推动自愿信息共享、合作、对话、知识交流和能力建设。
G20 High Level Voluntary Principles on Hydrogen
We intend to support voluntary principles to enable emission reduction, in all sectors, and work towards addressing sustainability aspects. This will contribute to achieving global net zero GHG emissions/carbon, neutrality goals by accelerating measures towards the production, utilization, and trade of hydrogen produced from zero and low emission technologies and its derivatives such as ammonia. For this purpose, we welcome the following five high-level guiding voluntary principles on Hydrogen:
1. Encourage collaboration on the development of national standards and work towards globally harmonized approach to certification for hydrogen produced from zero and low emission technologies and its derivatives such as ammonia.
2. Promote free and fair trade of hydrogen produced from zero and low emission technologies and its derivatives such as ammonia in line with WTO rules, supported by resilient and diversified supply chains.
3. Accelerate technological innovation, business models, and R&D collaboration to enhance international cooperation.
4. Promote investments, mobilize finance, and develop infrastructure for enhancing the production, utilization, and global trade of hydrogen produced from zero and low emission technologies and its derivatives such as ammonia.
5. Support and enable voluntary information sharing, cooperation, dialogue, knowledge exchange, and capacity building on hydrogen produced from zero and low emission technologies and its derivatives such as ammonia, with an aim to contribute to net zero GHG emissions/carbon neutral pathways, including through the development of regional and international initiatives and institutions.
碳索氢能网 https://h2.solarbe.com/news/20230727/982.html